[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=\”1/2\”][vc_column_text]What is Interpol?
The full form of Interpol is International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL). It is an international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control.
It has 195 member countries and it helps police in all of them to work together to make the world a safer place.
It is headquartered in Lyon, France.
Why was Interpol formed?
Established in 1923, it enables cross-border police cooperation and supports and assists all organizations, authorities, and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime.
Interpol has an objective to facilitate international police cooperation even where diplomatic relations are not present between certain countries.
Action is taken within the limits of existing laws in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Interpol’s constitution prohibits ‘any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character.
How does Interpol work?
In each country, an INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) provides the central point of contact for the General Secretariat and other NCBs.
An NCB is run by national police officials and usually sits in the government ministry responsible for policing. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is designated as the National Central Bureau of India.
What does Interpol do?
The General Secretariat provides a range of expertise and services to our member countries. They manage 19 police databases with information on crimes and criminals (from names and fingerprints to stolen passports), accessible in real-time to countries.
They offer investigative support such as forensics, analysis, and assistance in locating fugitives around the world. Training is an important part of what they do in many areas so that officials know how to work efficiently with our services. This expertise supports national efforts in combating crimes across three global areas considered the most pressing today; terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime.
Officials working in each specialized crime area run a variety of different activities alongside member countries. This can be investigative support, field operations, training and networking. Importantly, since crimes evolve, they keep an eye on the future through research and development in international crime and trends.
What is Interpol’s red notice?
INTERPOL Notices are international requests for cooperation or alerts allowing police in member countries to share critical crime-related information. Notices are published by the General Secretariat at the request of a National Central Bureau and are made available to all our member countries.
Notices can also be issued at the request of International Criminal Tribunals and the International Criminal Court to seek persons wanted for committing crimes within their jurisdiction, notably genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. They can also be issued at the request of the United Nations in relation to the implementation of sanctions imposed by the Security Council. Most Notices are for police use only and are not available to the public. However, an extract of the Notice can be published on this site if the requesting country wishes to alert the public or seek their help. All United Nations Special Notices are public.
- Red Notice: To seek the location and arrest of persons wanted for prosecution or to serve a sentence.
- Yellow Notice: To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are unable to identify themselves.
- Blue Notice: To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a criminal investigation.
- Black Notice: To seek information on unidentified bodies.
- Green Notice: To provide a warning about a person’s criminal activities, where the person is considered to be a possible threat to public safety.
- Orange Notice: To warn of an event, a person, an object, or a process representing a serious and imminent threat to public safety.
- Purple Notice: To seek or provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices, and concealment methods used by criminals.
- INTERPOL–United Nations Security Council Special Notice: Issued for entities and individuals who are the targets of UN Security Council Sanctions Committees
What are Interpol’s Future Challenges?
The rising specter of transnational, cyber, and organized crime requires a globally coordinated law enforcement response.
Interpol has a legacy of trust and reliability. It needs to acquire powers of sanction against a country that refuses to cooperate in implementing a red notice. It is however highly unlikely that member-nations will ever agree to dilute their sovereignty and invest the Interpol with such authority.
What is INTERPOL General Assembly?
The General Assembly is INTERPOL’s supreme governing body, comprising representatives from each of our member countries. It meets once a year and each session lasts around four days.
The 90th INTERPOL General Assembly in New Delhi, India (18 – 21 October) will bring together chiefs of police and senior officials from around the world to address global security issues.
Each member country may be represented by one or several delegates who are typically chiefs of police and senior ministry officials.
Its purpose is to ensure that INTERPOL’s activities correspond to the needs of our member countries. It does this by determining the principles and measures for the Organization to reach its objectives, and by reviewing and approving the program of activities and financial policy for the coming year.
In addition, the General Assembly elects the members of the Executive Committee, the governing body which provides guidance and direction in between sessions of the Assembly.
On the agenda each year are also the major crime trends and security threats facing the world.
As the largest global gathering of senior law enforcement officials, the General Assembly also provides an important opportunity for countries to network and share experiences.
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