Our Advanced Optional Subject Mastery Course is specifically crafted to guide IAS aspirants in mastering their chosen optional subject for the Main Examination.

This course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge, strategic insights, and effective exam strategies tailored to your selected optional subject.

  • Program duration: 4-5 months
  • Class Mode: Online Lectures, Offline and Hybrid
  • Classes: Weekdays (Monday to Friday)
  • Tests and Assignments: On weekends- Answer Writing assignments
  • Study Material: Class Handouts, Rapid Revision Books, Monthly Current Affairs Quiz, SHIELD Current Affairs Magazine
  • Monthly Fee: Rs. 35000 including GST



Subject Expert Faculty

Learn from accomplished faculty members who are subject matter experts with a deep understanding of the chosen optional subject. Benefit from their insights and guidance throughout your preparation.

Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage 

Receive extensive coverage of the optional subject syllabus, ensuring a thorough understanding of key concepts, theories, and practical applications.

Detailed Study Material

Access meticulously curated study material designed to simplify complex topics. Our materials are updated regularly to align with the latest exam patterns and requirements.

Strategic Study Plan

Follow a structured study plan that covers the entire syllabus within a specified timeframe. Our approach helps you manage your time effectively and ensures systematic coverage .

Practice Assignments and Tests

Reinforce your learning through practice assignments and periodic tests.

These assessments are designed to gauge your understanding, identify weak areas, and refine your preparation strategy.

Answer Writing Practice

Hone your answer-writing skills with regular practice sessions. Receive constructive feedback from faculty to enhance your ability to articulate your thoughts effectively.

Discussion Sessions

Engage in interactive discussion sessions with faculty and peers. These sessions provide a platform for clarifying doubts, sharing insights, and gaining additional perspectives on the optional subject.

Video backup

Up to 30 days

Additional benefit

SHIELD monthly current affairs magazine

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