Quote: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety -nine percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
The primary factor behind a successful person is her level of dedication, which signifies the commitment of a person towards achieving objectives and life goals. Thus, dedication implies total devotion. Ask any successful personality the reason behind their success and the first answer that will emanate is they were dedicated. Dedication is thus the ultimate key to success in life.
The etymological roots of the word dedication can be traced back to the Latin term dedicare which means “the giving of oneself to some purpose.”. Thus, it implies that an individual has to be consistently committed towards her aims.
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The primary ingredient of dedication is hard work + smart work. As the famous quotation goes, “hard work is the key to success”. A person dedicated towards achieving her goals undertakes lots of perseverance. Hard work + smart work requires a right attitude, self-discipline, ability to focus on one’s life goals and objectives and innovative approaches.
Even if you are not successful at once, let not failures deter you. If you face failures, then also you should continue with your work and stay focused. The more you will continue with your work, the lesser you will find that work gruelling. This will lead to an increase in your level of dedication and ultimately you will then find success.
If you work and remain dedicated, you can counter any obstacle that lies in the path towards success. Relentless effort and dedication will ultimately lead you to realise your goals and thereby bring happiness to your life. So, the more dedicated you are, the happier you will be.
It must be remembered as there is no linear or a fixed formula for dedication. You have to first understand your aims, fix your life goals and identify the potential challenges and obstacles that might arise in your ways.
After you identify the challenges, think of how they can be overcome. Overcoming the challenges that lie in the path to success require stoic resistance and infinite fortitude. This involves a strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage. If an individual is dedicated, then she will be able to develop such a strength of mind and face whatever the magnitude of the adversity is.
Dedication also requires perseverance. Have you ever pondered over the question that why do some individuals achieve and accomplish more than others with the same set of skill and intelligence level? The answer is: all successful individuals have one common trait, that is perseverance. Success comes to those who put in strenuous efforts towards overcoming challenges despite adverse situations that lie in the path of progress.
Thus, dedication is a quality that is possessed by all successful people. A person who is dedicated focusses and makes optimal use of the resources presently at her disposal rather than complaining about the lack of facilities. Those who are dedicated experience and express gratitude for the means available to them. A dedicated person is eternally optimistic and makes the maximum possible use of the present circumstances. Nothing in the world can hinder or impede the firm resolve of a dedicated individual.
Finally, “Don’t count the days, make the days’ count”.