Confidence building program: Essay paper is Paper I in the UPSC Main Examination. It is the entry point for all GS papers, Optional Paper. A good performance in Essay Paper is the morale booster for rest of the papers but a bad performance destroys the confidence for other papers and reduces the prospects of selection.
Complete program for Writing Skills: The Essay and Answer Writing program is the confidence building exercise with special focus on covering major themes of General Studies, Current Affairs and Essays.
Aim: To develop syllabus, provide high quality standard content through high impact lectures which can be used in most of the essays and even in General Studies Main answers.
Purpose: To impart complete confidence and command to handle any topic.
Benefits: It also provides build-up and practice for other competitive examinations like– PCS, CAPF, IB-ACIO etc.
- Program duration: 3-4 months
- Class Mode: Online, Offline, Hybrid
- Classes: Weekend (Saturday, Sunday)
- Study Material: Class Notes, Tests, and Full- Length Tests
- Fee: Rs. 10500 including GST
Features of Essay Paper and Answer Writing Program
50+ High Impact Lectures covering major themes of General Studies, Current Affairs and Essays
Optimum number of confidence-building tests
Intense focus on UPSC standard questions on Thematic areas, Current Affairs along with Conceptual & Analytical areas, Philosophical Essays
Coverage of tests from Preparatory, to Thematic and then Advanced levels
Final Full Paper Tests (to be taken as Final tests before the real test i.e. actual examination)
Discussion classes
One-to-one mentoring
Provide a one-stop solution for Main Examination Test preparation.